The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation are offering a fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their previous research. The purpose of the fellowship is to support those who, in addition to producing superb work in their area of specialization, are also open to other, interdisciplinary approaches – following the example set by Albert Einstein.
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Candidates must be under 35 and hold a university degree in the humanities, in the social sciences, or in the natural sciences. Applications for 2018 should include a CV, a two-page project proposal, and two letters of recommendation. All documents must be received by April 15, 2017.
Understanding that social mobility issues and poverty exist in all societies and cultures, scholarships awarded from this fund for the Master's in Management focus on applicants from all countries who want to further their knowledge of international business and would not otherwise have the financial means to follow an ESMT Degree Program. Candidates should show interest in studying ESMT's core competencies: innovation and technology management and sustainable business and must demonstrate a commitment to responsible leadership. Click here for more info Number and value of scholarships available : Three full tuition scholarships (value €25.000) including stipend to cover living expenses for Kofi Annan Fellows Four partial tuition scholarships: up to € 10,000 each Eligibility : Scholarship seekers should be strong candidates for ESMT's Master's in Management program. Scholarships which will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and financia...
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