SDA Bocconi School of Management is inviting applications for up to 27 MBA Scholarships for the academic year 2017 – 2018. These scholarships are available for Italian students who are interested in pursuing a career in the Finance sector. The SDA Bocconi MBA ranks among the top programs in the world as the best value for money, the investment in MBA education which pays itself back most quickly. SDA Bocconi School of Management is part of Università Bocconi: the only International University specialized in teaching business and economics, Università Bocconi is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious business education institutions. GMAT or GRE is mandatory for all applicants. The GMAT must include the Analytical Writing Assessment and the Integrated Reasoning. The GMAT and GRE are internationally recognized tests in English that evaluate your quantitative, verbal, and analytical skills. Although there is no required minimum sc...